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5 Things the Dairy Industry Doesn't Want You to Know

Updated on February 15, 2019

The Dairy Lobbyists have been dictating the narrative regarding the raw versus pasteurized milk for decades and have so indoctrinated the American public with anti-raw milk propaganda and twisted, skewed and shut out study findings to suit their industry. Here are 5 small things that the Dairy Industry doesn't want you to know.

17 states currently allow the sale pasteurized milk that would be illegal in Europe!

The USDA allows up to 1.5 million white blood cells per milliliter of milk!

Pasteurized Milk is a Dirty Product

Conventional dairy farms are filthy, unsanitary places. Cows are kept in small pens, left to wallow in their own filth, and fed the "waste grains" or "slop" from alcohol distilleries and other grains not part of their natural diet. Additionally, modern breeding techniques have more than doubled the average size and milk production of dairy cows, allowing more milk to be produced from less cows, but also causing a drastic rise in the rate of infections and other milk factory diseases among dairy cattle.

Ruminal acidosis (ulceration in the first stomach chamber causing deadly abscesses), laminitis (painful inflammation in the hooves caused by ruminal acidosis), and mastitis (inflammation of the udders) are three diseases caused by the methods used to make more milk with less cows.

Milk from diseased cows contains pus, blood cells, and pathogens that must be killed via pasteurization. While this process renders the milk "safe" for human consumption, it does not actually remove the pus or blood cells from the milk. The current federal legal limit of allowable pus as mandated by the USDA in nearly twice that of the rest of the industrialized world.

A study by the Human Biology Program and Department of Anthropology at Indiana University showed that the BGH found in conventional cow's milk is associated with early sexual development in young girls and a variety of hormone-related cancers.

What's Really in that Glass of Milk

  • Hormones: including pituitary, steroid, hypothalamic, and thyroid hormones to help control the cow's level of stress and milk production
  • Bovine growth hormone: which has been directly linked to breast, colon, and prostrate cancers
  • Pus: yes, PUS! According to the Global Healing Center, national averages show 332 million cell-counts of pus per glass and has been linked to the paratuberculosis bacteria and Crohn's disease. But don't worry, it's been pasteurized.....
  • Blood Cells: Apparently the USDA allows up to 1.5 million white blood cells per milliliter of milk!
  • Antibiotics: Currently cow milk is tested for only 4 of the 85 drugs given to cows. According to the Centre for Science in Public Interest an estimated 38% of milk in the U.S. is "contaminated with sulfa drugs or other antibiotics


The Downside of Pasteurization

  • Destroys Vitamin C
  • Encourages harmful bacteria growth
  • Destroys helpful bacteria
  • Turns lactose into Beta-lactose
  • Makes Vitamin D insoluble
  • Destroys iodine

Pasteurization Has a Downside!

The dairy industry claims that pasteurization is necessary to keep milk safe for the public and raw milk is practically poison. In fact, the sale of raw milk is banned altogether in many states. In truth, however, bacteria laden milk comes from sick cows and poor handling, The grains, antibiotics and hormones, and unsanitary living conditions of commercial dairy cows changes the pH balance and natural bacteria in the cows gut, affecting the milk. So yes, the pasteurization of milk from conventional dairy farms is important.

Pasteurization is done to kill disease-carrying germs and to prevent milk from souring, obviously important when you are dealing with a dirty, pus-filled product. But pasteurization does have its downside.

Pasteurization also kills beneficial bacteria found in raw milk, and destroys part of the Vitamin C found in raw milk. It turns the sugar of milk, lactose, into beta-lactose, which is much more rapidly absorbed in the body, resulting in the person soon feeling hungry again. Worse yet pasteurization renders a major percentage of the calcium found in raw milk insoluble--meaning the body can not absorb it-- leading to rickets, bad teeth and nerve trouble in children. Finally, pasteurization also destroys 20 percent of the iodine present in raw milk and can cause constipation.

Safety and Benefits of Raw Milk

Raw milk....

  • is been routinely tested and certified safe
  • dairy cows live in open fields and graze on fresh grass
  • dairy farmers practice safe and sanitary milking practices
  • contains beneficial enzymes, antibodies and proteins that aid digestion, protect from illness and infection and contribute to overall health
  • contains more Vitamin C, Vitamin D, calcium, and iodine than pasteurized milk.
  • raw milk is often a viable option for those who are lactose in tolerant

Certified Raw Milk is a Safe and Beneficial Product

Raw milk was relatively safe to drink prior to the advent of the dairy industry, but poor milking techniques, unsanitary conditions, and lack of oversight brought about high rates of diseases.

Find out the real reason raw milk was abandoned and banned in, "The History of Milk: From Raw Milk to Pasteurized Milk and Back Again."

The resurgence of safe milking practices, returning cows to the open field and their natural diet has made raw milk safe to drink. Quality and care of the animals are of high priority to these small scale farmers and most allow the public to tour their facilities. Of course, raw milk is routinely tested for harmful bacteria and other impurities and certified safe just like all other commercially sold foods.

Additionally, the good bacteria and natural antibodies and proteins, normally killed off or broken down during the pasteurization process, increase our overall health and well-being and help us to fight off infections and illnesses. The lactase enzyme found in raw milk helps to the body digest lactose, offering an alternative for those who are lactose-intolerant.

Healing Power of Raw Milk for Immune and Digestive Issues

Conventional Milk is Completely Broken Down and Then Recombined

Raw milk almost always comes in whole milk form. The cream does collect on the top, but is can quickly be shaken back into the milk quickly before opening each time. or removed upon first opening by the buyer and used to make ice cream, homemade butter, or used in place of cream in a multitude of ways.

In conventional milk, however, the milk protein, water and fat are all separated out from each other and then recombined to form whole, 2%, 1% or skim milk. It is then mechanically homogenized so that the fat cannot separate out from the milk.

Raw Milk: From Grass to Glass

Where Can You Buy Raw Milk?

Raw milk laws vary from state to state. In the more lax states, raw milk can be purchased right off store shelves. In the most strict states, raw milk is completely illegal, even for pets!


Legality of Raw Milk Sales by State

Retail Sales legal
licensed on-farm sales only
Unlicensed farm sales legal
Herdshares/Cowshares legal
AL,IN,VA,and KY do not currently have laws on herdshares/cowshares

Source: Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund

Please check out this link to see the various exceptions and specific rules for your state.

© 2014 Sarah


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